By S.A.Rahman Bukhari
Everyone dreams of and demands a life full of happiness. In some belief, happiness comes with effort and hardwork. Of course nothing comes without making any effort, but ‘true’ happiness only comes by following these steps. After putting your best efforts, it is time to…
Step 1
Alhamdullilah — Be thankful
Be thankful to God Almighty for everything He has given to you.
Say “Al-ham-du-lil-lah” (every praise is just for Allah).
Be content with what you have, do not crave for what others have, because this will make you feel jealous.
Do not compare yourself with those who are ‘rich and famous’ because this will cause you bitterness and you will not be able to be thankful.
But, do compare yourself with those who are ‘poor and infamous’ and be thankful to God Almighty that you are more fortunate, Alhamdolillah.
Every time you see something beautifull and pleasant, say Alhamdulillah.
Say Alhamdolillah very often daily and God Almight shall fill your heart with happiness and shall suffice.
Step 2
Astughfirullah — Seek forgiveness
Be thankful and be content with God’s blessings, seek forgiveness from God Almighty for your slips and falls, sins, bitterness, etc.
Seek forgiveness, say As-tugh-fir-ullah. Everytime a bad thought touches to your mind.
Seek forgiveness, whenever you feel bitter either for some shortcoming of life or craving for what others have and you do not have.
Seek forgiveness, at least 5 times a day. Not only it is your duty but this is the way to be blessed by God Almighty.
Astughfirullah is a way to please Allah Rahman, God Almighty shall cleanse your heart from evil, greed and other spiritual diseases. He shall also cleanse your mind from subliminal thoughts and fill your mind with true wisdom and comfort.
Say Astughfirullah whenever a subliminal thought comes to your mind.
Say Astughfirullah whenever you see something happening against God’s teachings.
Step 3
Ista’aza — Seek God’s shelter from Satan
According to Islam, every man has a satan who misleads him towards sins and misdeeds like craving, abuse, skipping prayers, back biting, etc. The best way to get rid of satan is, Ista’aza. Say Aa-ozoo-billahi-minash-shaitaan-nir-rajeem.
Seek God’s shelter as many times a day as possible because satan has sworn to mislead humans.
Aa-ozoo-billahi-minash-shaitaan-nir-rajeem is a way to be protected by Allah Raheem, God Almighty shall protect your heart from evil, greed and other spiritual diseases. He shall also protect your mind from subliminal thoughts and fill your mind with true wisdom and comfort.
Say Aa-ozoo-billahi-minash-shaitaan-nir-rajeem whenever a subliminal thought comes to your mind.
Say Aa-ozoo-billahi-minash-shaitaan-nir-rajeem whenever you see something happening against God’s teachings.
Aa-ozoo-billahi-minash-shaitaan-nir-rajeem before starting every work or journey protects you till the end.
Step 4
Sabar — have patience
You do you work with full effort and hardwork; you expect great result. Sometimes you get the expected result and sometimes you don’t. When you do not get the expected result, rather than getting bitter and complaining, have patience. Say Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon.
In holy book Quran Allah subhaan says, “Oh Believers! steady with patience and prayers. Indeed Allah is with those; who have patience”
When things go wrong unexpectedly, say Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon.
When you have a loss, say Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon. Allah Rahman shall turn your loss into your benefit.
When some dies among your family, say Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon.
When someone hurts you, say Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon instead of hurting them in return.
Dear reader, true happiness is everyone’s dream. Trust me it is at your hand. Just include these azkaar in your routine and you will feel mentally and spirtually content within few days.
Bis-millah-hir-rahman-nir-raheem before everything (work, journey, pray etc.) you start.
Al-hamdo-lillah every time you are blessed with food, comfort, sleep, gain etc.
Allahu-Akbar every time you see nature; remember Allah subhaan is the only creator or this universe and everything within.
Subhaan-Allah every time you see beauty, power, love, comfort etc.
As-tagh-fir-ullah every time you feel greedy, jealous etc.
Inna-lillahi-wa-inna-ilayhi-rajioon for every loss, death, pain, etc.
I pray Allah Rahman accept this effort, and give us opportunity to practise. Amin!