Sunday, March 6, 2011

Better Muslim

There are 4 things we must do to Quran, in order to be a better Muslim:

1) Read
2) Understand (translation, tafsir and asbabun nuzul)
3) Practise
4) Spread the practice
By the way…
Tafsir is a book which contains the elaboration or explanation of a particular verse or sometimes 2-3 or more verses from Quran.
Asbabun Nuzul is a book which tells you why a certain verse was sent down or inscribed in the Quran.
For example, if you open surah At-taubah, verse 5, and understand it literallyjust from reading it, you may become a Terrorist. In the actual, that verse was sent down during the era of WAR. Thus, Muslims were told to kill the non-muslims at that time; you know why? It’s simply because if they didn’t kill the Non-Muslims, they would be killed! It’s during the war era!! =D
However, the Muslims were told NOT to kill any woman (unless she participated in the war) and any child.
Islam NEVER teaches us Terrorism…we attack people… true, BUT ONLY in the form of RETALIATION.
Assalaamu’alaikum (:

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