Monday, March 21, 2011


Muqaṭṭaʿāt (Arabic: مُقَطَّعات ) are unique letter combinations that begin certain surahs (chapters) of the Qur’an. Muqatta`āt literally means abbreviated or shortened. Their meanings remain unclear and are considered to be Divine secrets. They are also known as the “abbreviated letters”, “the disjointed letters” or “the mystic letters”
They are also known as fawātiḥ (فواتح) or “openers” as they form the opening verse of their respective surahs 
In the Arabic language, these letters are written together like a word, but each letter is pronounced separately. Muqatta’at have been and continue to be a topic of intense research and academic discussions in Islamic literature and Qur’anic studies.
In these words of Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu),: 
“In every divine writ (kitab) there is [an element of] of mystery - and the mystery of the Qur’an is [indicated] in the openings of [some of] the surahs.” 
Of the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, exactly one half appear as muqattaat, either singly or in combinations of two, three, four or five letters. The fourteen letters are: أ ح ر س ص ط ع ق ك ل م ن ه ي (alif, ha, ra, sin, sad, ta, ain, qaf, kaf, lam, mim, nun, ha, ya).
The complete Muqatta’at letters and their appearance in the Quran
  1. Chapter 2, The Cow: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  2. Chapter 3, Āl-Imran: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  3. Chapter 7, Al-Aʿarāf: ʾAlif Lām Mīm Ṣād
  4. Chapter 10, Yunus: ʾAlif Lām Rāʾ
  5. Chapter 11, Hud: ʾAlif Lām Rāʾ
  6. Chapter 12, Yusuf: ʾAlif Lām Rāʾ
  7. Chapter 13, Raʿd: ʾAlif Lām Mīm Rāʾ
  8. Chapter 14, Ibrahim: ʾAlif Lām Rāʾ
  9. Chapter 15, Ḥijr: ʾAlif Lām Rāʾ
  10. Chapter 19, Maryam: Kāf Hāʾ Yāʾ ʿAin Ṣād
  11. Chapter 20, Ṭāʾ-Hāʾ: Ṭāʾ Hāʾ
  12. Chapter 26, The Poets: Ṭāʾ Sīn Mīm
  13. Chapter 27, The Ant: Ṭāʾ Sīn
  14. Chapter 28, Al-Qaṣaṣ: Ṭāʾ Sīn Mīm
  15. Chapter 29, The Spider: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  16. Chapter 30, The Romans: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  17. Chapter 31, Luqmān: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  18. Chapter 32, The Adoration: ʾAlif Lām Mīm
  19. Chapter 36, Yāʾ-Sīn: Yāʾ Sīn
  20. Chapter 38, Ṣād: Ṣād
  21. Chapter 40, The Believer: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  22. Chapter 41, Fuṣṣilat: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  23. Chapter 42, Al-Shūrā: Ḥāʾ Mīm; ʿAin Sīn Qāf
  24. Chapter 43, The Embellishment: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  25. Chapter 44, The Smoke: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  26. Chapter 45, The Kneeling: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  27. Chapter 46, The Sandhills: Ḥāʾ Mīm
  28. Chapter 50, Qāf: Qāf
  29. Chapter 68, The Pen: Nūn

Many Scholars differ their views on the letters referring to the names of Allah, or His angels but because the Prophet Muhammad sws hasn’t mentioned an explanation of them nor have they been explained clearly in the Quran, we leave the unveiled up to Allah for only He knows the truth. It is said that all of this world’s secrets and mysteries will be revealed when the time comes. Allahu Alim.

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